Restocking strategies (12/23)

Animal health considerations when restocking

The transition from drought is an important time to consider livestock health. Restocking after drought comes with a range of animal health challenges including disease, parasites, nutrition and animal welfare.

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Drought Research Reports

Managing weeds and pests during drought (06/24)

It is important to understand weed ecology during drought to establish an effective weed management plan.

Options for portable livestock handling equipment (06/24)

Several options available to producers to ensure that livestock are handled safely and efficiently.

Diversification To Add Resilience (05/24)

Branching out - tips for additional revenue streams on farm

Resilient Communities In Dry Times (05/24)

Resilience is seen as a buzzword of disaster responses. For some, “building resilience” is seen as an excuse for governments to opt out of providing support during dry times or following disruptions such as fire or flood.

Annual Reviews

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